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after holbeincanvas board, 11"x14"
manipuracanvas, 30"x42"
fishingcanvas board, 14"x18"
farmcanvas, 24"x24"
cafecanvas, 16"x20"
chickenmanmasonite, 20"x16"
circus horsecanvas, 24"x36"
dancemasonite, 14"x18"
dappledcanvas, 20"x24"
earthdaycanvas, 30"x24"
fallingcanvas, 16"x10"
feedingcanvas, 16"x20"
jazzmasonite, 14"x18"
judgementcanvas, 28"x24"
male portraitmasonite, 11"x14"
merging the bodycanvas, 26"x30"
nude self-portraitmasonite, 16"x20"
pale horsemasonite, 24"x48"
paper routecanvas, 22"x28"
philmasonite, 11"x14"
reincarnationcanvas, 22"x31"
shu_ramasonite, 14"x18"
strange_fruitcanvas, 16"x20"
tomcanvas board, 14"x18"
yukiemasonite, 20"x16"